The Genuine Mystic

Empowerment via Astrology, Yoga, Hypnotherapy, Health Coaching and Education in the Mystical Arts


18 minute read
#Aries #Full Moon

People Pleasing Retaliation Full Moon in Aries: October 20, 2021

To call this year and the last month challenging would be a gross underestimate. Astrologically speaking, relative to all the other alignments one might have experienced during a lifetime, the unique combination of pressures and feelings of accountability reflected right now are mind-boggling. Despite this, it’s hard not to feel an inkling of motivation and optimism buried under the weight of everything else. Aries, the sign of the Full Moon, represents Cardinal fire, the single-minded impulse to start, do, move. Ruled by Mars (will, drive), Aries will find a way to light a fire, even if it’s temporary, in the most seemingly hopeless situations…

19 minute read
#Libra #New Moon

Unconscious Uncoupling New Moon in Libra: October 6, 2021

Well, nap time is over. The astrology for the New Moon in Libra conjunct Mars right now paints a very sophisticated kind of hot mess, but not a hopeless one. Libra illuminates the way to create necessary space for listening, healing, and beauty. It is the bridge between feeling and intuiting the depths of emotion, and the respect for constructing walls required to let life carry forward. Somewhere in it is the balance…

Fill your cup get your money's worth in a tarot or astrology reading
13 minute read

Tips to Get the Most out of a Tarot/Astrology Reading

Seeking a reading is going to someone with a cup. The emptier that cup is, the more you’re able to fill it. Is there a hole in the cup? Is the cup already full, so when you try to fill it with something new, that new liquid starts to go in but mainly just ends up spilling off over the edges and making a mess everywhere? Should you just get a bigger cup? …