The Genuine Mystic

Empowerment via Astrology, Yoga, Hypnotherapy, Health Coaching and Education in the Mystical Arts


Fill your cup get your money's worth in a tarot or astrology reading
13 minute read

Tips to Get the Most out of a Tarot/Astrology Reading

Seeking a reading is going to someone with a cup. The emptier that cup is, the more you’re able to fill it. Is there a hole in the cup? Is the cup already full, so when you try to fill it with something new, that new liquid starts to go in but mainly just ends up spilling off over the edges and making a mess everywhere? Should you just get a bigger cup? …

Astrology Chart Reading Cosmos Tools
8 minute read

Why Obsess over Astrology? : Thoughts on My Favorite Modality

It took a while to believe there could be a benefit in studying what is generally considered to be pseudoscience. I don’t need to list internationally recognized geniuses across history who had a fondness for astrology to justify its merit. I could care less what the general population thinks. Most people sleep through the daily gift of an exquisite sunrise, but they still happen, and life carries on. The occult’s historical disinformation campaign is unparalleled. These arts and their practice were, after all, intended to be kept secret…